While most everyone values high-quality public education, many don’t realize how little traditional public-school financing actually funds at our schools. Our district receives $10,821 annually per student, which is less than neighboring public-school districts and far less than the $20,000 or more private-schools receive per student from tuition.

Student Shortfall

Expenditure per Pupil 2019/2020

Percentage Free/Reduced Price Meal

 Maintenance Shortfall

Based on a Current Replacement Cost analysis of our schools we should spend $2,000,000 per year on maintenance, repairs and capital renewals.

Our actual spend has averaged $275,000 per year.

Given budget constraints the District has prioritized classroom education over facilities leading to substantial deferred maintenance and delayed capital expenditures.

Our Goal for Tomorrow


The need for private funding in California public schools

California public education is chronically underfunded due in large part to Proposition 13. The state ranks 41/50 in funding per pupil.

Expenditures over 10 years have increased below inflation at 0.5% per year, while teacher salaries have not moved at all.

From 2012 when California pushed underfunded state pension costs to the local level, our pension costs have increased 9% per year to 23% of expenses from 18% - or $2,400 per student per year.

Facing a chronic funding problem the district has prioritized teachers while delaying critical capital improvement projects – especially playgrounds.

To fully incorporate and budget for the needs of our district, our funding per student should be closer to $16,000 per student up from the current $11,000.